Cricket Bats

How to do Maintenance of a Cricket Bat?

How to do Maintenance of a Cricket Bats –Cricket bats are an interesting piece of sporting tools to acquire. After all, it’s a work of art made from a rare wood that gets stronger with age. Every bat has a particular sort of manufacture, and each model has a particular kind of use. If you look after your cricket bat properly, it will last at least 3-4 seasons.

Maintenance of a Cricket Bat

However, if you abuse it and neglect it, it will be far more vulnerable to damage.

For bats with a natural finish

Spread a thin layer of raw linseed oil (bat oil) to the face, back borders, and toes using your fingertips and palm of your hand before using. Oiling the splice region is not recommended. At around weekly intervals, apply 3 or 4 more light coatings to the face, margins, and toe. Before each application, clean the bat with fine sandpaper. If the bat is dry, repeat the process. Put the bat gently for a few hours after oiling it.


 After you’ve lubricated your bat, you may begin knocking it in. Begin hitting the blades regularly with even strikes over the length and breadth with your special bat mallet. Begin with small to medium knocks and progressively increase the knock’s power. Particular attention should be paid to the bat’s edges and toe, which should be whacked at 45 degrees to the blade and with light strokes.

This will harden the edges and gently curve them to protect them from edge bullets. Also, be cautious while hitting towards the toe section of the bat, as this is a very delicate location and should be approached with mild strokes. Patience is required for knocking in and recommended that you give yourself at least 2-3 hours.

Storage of bats

Avoid putting your new cricket bat in a dry/warm spot during the off-season. Resist keeping your bat in full sunlight or rooms with purposely high temperatures in your home, since this will lead the bat to dry out. It’s typically recommended to put another light coat of linseed oil towards the conclusion of the season as well as at the beginning of the next season. However, don’t over-oil or the willow will become weakened.

For Polycoated bats

No oiling is needed for poly-coated Cricket bats in Sydney; nevertheless, the poly coating will wear away from the toe region in play, and the bare willow should be lightly oiled as indicated above.


All bat faces have been professionally pressed to produce the most robust playing surface possible and do not require any additional pressing. However, careful ‘knocking-in’ with an old leather cricket ball or a specially constructed bat mallet will enhance the face, particularly the front edges, and extend its usable life.


Under normal use, your cricket bat is bound to acquire surface cracks. Surface cracks become more common as the bat gets older, and they are a sign of life experience. This has no bearing on your cricket bat’s effectiveness, and some cracking is to be anticipated. We do recommend using a facing, fiberglass tape, or liquid super glue to assist prevent surface cracking and extend the life of your bat. If you have any concerns regarding surface cracking, please call us or bring them to us to be corrected.

A Cricket Bat’s Life Expectations

 Because Custom Cricket Bats are made of natural materials, there is no way of knowing how long they will survive. Please follow the care and preparation directions to get the most out of your product. Always keep an eye on your bat’s blade, repair it, and store it properly, especially if it’s in a moist or wet location. A toe guard and heading on your bat, as well as an annual servicing, are strongly recommended.

In The Event Of An Accident

If your bat is damaged, please take it out of the game right immediately and have it repaired by a cricket specialist. Without proceeding to play, any harm should be repaired right away. If this is a warranty situation, please follow the steps outlined above to file a warranty claim. 

‘Tapping’ by bats

As the bowler advances, most batsmen ‘tap’ their bat. If you’re a “bat tapper,” try to keep it to a minimum, don’t tap too hard, and stay away from the wicket if it’s wet. The toe of a cricket bat is extremely delicate, and tapping it can result in serious injury. When taking guard, tapping against the wicket strains the fibers. This causes splits, increased water absorption, face debonding, and irreversible damage.

Use Balls of Good Quality

There are many inexpensive balls on the market with firm centers and prominent seams. Ask anyone who comes to nets with a rock-hard “cherry” not to use it. If you’re a young player, ask your instructor if you can use your bat with the ball. A skilled coach should be able to tell the difference and recognize the issues that a poor ball can cause.

Make sure your bat is kept in a dry, coolish environment. Always prevent severe heat, dampness, or frost, and give it a light oiling after the season.

Cricket bats Sydney is of the highest standard and has a decent record that has stood the test of time. Their goal at cricket bats for sale Sydney is to provide the finest service, the best rates, and the best guidance. Their employees are avid cricketers who have competed at a professional stage and have a thorough knowledge of the brand we provide.

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